McDonald's Restaurant #3812
Cup of Hot Tea!
Photographer: Peter Kosednar
McDonald's Restaurant #3812
8001 East Indian School Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
KS: 2
4:57 AM
Order 15
Buy one Medium or Large McCafe get one for $0.01
1 M Hot Tea: $1.00
1 L Hot Tea: $0.01
Subtotal: $1.01
Tax: $0.08
Eat-In Total: $1.09
Total Savings: $2.28
I was first customer in the door! Ordered (1) one medium hot tea and free Large hot tea for one penny!! Order prepared my order right away. Hot water from coffee machine take some time to flow out of the machine. Dining room was clean. Wifi worked great. Very sticky floor. Prob soda spill that was not cleaned up.
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